Exerpt From:- History of Magick by Bathilda Bagshot by JK Rowling
Practitioners of Hinduism are quite conversant with the wizarding world, and there is much exchange of knowledge, opinions, and methods between the Western wizarding world and these mostly Eastern practitioners, particularly since the middle to late 1900s when the Wizard Rock band The Beatles went public with their study of the methods of Hindu wizardry.
Hindu wizards are referred to as ―Mantriks‖ or ―magicians.‖ They are known for their expertise in the use of spells, curses, and rhythmic, sing-song charms called ―mantras.‖ Unique amongst the Hindu wizards is the crafting of beautiful spells in the form of tantras or mandalas, which are often geometric in form, and may be simple line drawings or much more colourful, and may be permanently inscribed using dragon‘s blood and other rare inks, or temporarily created out of dyed sand. Knut to Sicklesized mandalas may be worn around the neck or carried in the pocket. Others may adorn a room in the witch or wizard‘s home.
Practitioners of the methods of Hindu wizardry tend to excel in engorgio /reducio spells, Apparating, conjuring, and banishment. Many Mantrik practitioners excel in methods of Divination, even if they are not Seers, per se. It would be extremely unusual, even bizarre, to find a Mantrik practicing Dark magic; Hindu magic is almost entirely focused on positive energy. As a result, of course, their wands tend to be made of wand woods that have overwhelmingly positive energies, and their cores, in contrast to those of British wizards, tend to be of gemstone rather than including animal essences.