These are basic cheatsheet for sufficient vim usecase.
o - opens the new line below cursor O - opens the new line above cursor
x - delete the word r - replace the word ce - delete or change the word
(c-G) - to see the status line number and G - to goto the line number
gg - goto to top of document GG - got to the bottom of document
/word - search the word ?word - search the word
/s/oldword/newword - substitute oldword with newword in line at cursor
/s/x/y/g - substitute x with y globally
/s/x/y/gc - substitute x with y globally but asking confirmation at every instance of occurance
:%s/old/new/g - substitute old with new in the whole file :%s/old/new/gc - substitute old with new in the whole file with confirmation prompt
:s/thee/the - simple substitute command :s/thee/the/g - simple substitute command for all occurrences in line
% to spawn cursor at other side of the brackets
for more see: vimtutor