2 Best tricks to Transfering Unifinished IDM downloads to Other PC
Trick 1:
Goto this location: (for windows xp)
C:/Documents and Settings/username/ApplicationData/IDM/DwnlData
(for windows vista):C:/Users/username/AppData/Roaming/IDM/DwnlData
copy unfinished file to your pen drive
Open the IDM
Select the Unfinished file
Tasks > Export > To IDM export file
Save it with any name in your pendrive
Now Goto another computer IDM
Tasks > Import > Import the exported file
Start Downloading the imported file
Pause Downloading when it starts Receiving all the Partitions
Now copy and replace the content of respective folders
Now resume the Downloading and it will work for sure.
Trick 2
- Open
Options > Save To dialog (Options > Downloads)
for older versions and look what folder is set in Temporary directory field. - Save this folder somewhere in order to use it later.
- Do the same for all categories download folders in order to save your completed downloads.
- At the same dialog look what folders use for default download directories for each category. save these folders as well if necessary.
- Export
registry key and also save it. - On another computer import registry key that you saved.
- Copy IDM temporary folder and all default download directories under the same path that they had on initial computer.
- Run IDM.