A handy dmenu shortcut for killing frozen program
Sometimes an app or window becomes unresponsive, and you might dont want to goto task manager and select the correct name and kill its process instead you’d want a keybind thats just let you select the program or process you want to kill within seconds for that you may need a killer program
Dependancies are:
- notify-send or dunst
- dmenu
- xkill
pid=$(ps -u $USER -o pid,%mem,%cpu,comm | sort -b -k2 -r | sed -n '1!p' | dmenu -i -l 15 | awk '{print $1}')
kill -15 $pid 2>/dev/null
notify-send "you killed process"
We can even use
from dmenu and click on the unresponsive app with mouse to kill it
Create shortlink (urls) on the go for anyfile
Sometimes you have a file say pdf, image or textfile sometime even zip file to send in a hurry We can use nullpointer like site to upload that file and get shorturl for it in a second and we can automate this process with dmenu and handy keybind
file=$(find $HOME -type f | dmenu -i -l 25)
curl -F "file=@$file" 0x0.st | xclip -selection c
notify-send "your file in link"
Wants to have your own ascii style file manager
The power of fzf
is that you can even make a file manager out of it heres the basic one liner for exact
ls -a | fzf -m --layout=reverse-list --border --margin 5% --padding 3% --no-info --prompt= --pointer=🎃 --marker=🕸️ --header=🍁Fuzzy Surfer --preview='prv {}' --height 70
copy all files except softlinks
cp -p ls -l|grep ^'-r'|awk -F" " '{print $9}' direcotry/
`ls -l|grep ^'-r'|awk -F" " '{print $9}'`
it's fetching only files which start with -r
directory start with "d"
soft link start with "l"
file start with "-"
To delete all files except one!
using find
find . \! -name 'file' -delete
using zsh:
setopt extendedglob echo ^foo rm ^foo
using bash:
shopt -s extglob rm -v !("filename")
rm -v !("filename1"|"filename2")
to delete all except filename1 and filename2
Bash Specific Use Globignore variable
rm *
it will remove all except iso and text file